

About Mitsuba’s Shares

Q1. Since when were Mitsuba shares listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?
Mitsuba first listed its shares on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in February 1988, and transferred the shares to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1989.
Q2. What is Mitsuba’s securities identification number?
Mitsuba’s securities identification number is 7280.
Q3. What is Mitsuba share’s price now?
Please visit the Share Price page. (Jump to Yahoo!Japan Finance page.)
Q4. What is Mitsuba share’s price now?
Mitsuba shares are available in units of 100 shares.
Q5. Where can I find information on dividends?
Please visit the Dividends page.
Q6. Where can I find information on shareholders’ benefit plan?
Please visit the shareholders’ benefit plan page. (Written in Japanese)
Q7. Who is the administrator of shareholder registry?
The administrator is Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.
Transfer Agent Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
TEL: 0120-232-711 (Toll-free)
Available hours: Weekdays 9:00 - 17:00
Q8. Where do I make an inquiry to about the share-related procedures?
* Shareholders using a securities company
Please inquire of the securities company.
* Shareholders not using a securities company
Please inquire of our administrator of shareholder registry (Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation).

Finance & Business

Q1. Where can I find the latest documents on financial affairs?
Please visit the Finance & Business page.
Q2. Are documents for financial affairs for past terms available?
Yes. They can be downloaded from the IR Reports page.
Q3. Where do I make an inquiry to about IR-related matters?
Accounting & Finance Department
Call us at +81 (277) 52-0113 (Direct call) or Contact form


Q1. When was Mitsuba founded?
Mitsuba was founded as Mitsuba Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd. in Kiryu, Gunma Prefecture, in June 1946.
Q2. Where can I find information about Mitsuba’s history?
Please visit the History page.
Q3. Where can I find information about Mitsuba’s products?
Please visit the Products page.
Q4. Where can I find information about the Mitsuba Group?
Please visit the Group Businesses page and Global Network page.
Q5. What is Mitsuba’s management policy for the medium and long term?
Please visit the Midterm Management page.
Q6. Where can I learn about Mitsuba’s efforts regarding CSR, environment, and social contributions?
Please visit the Sustainability page
Q7. To where can I make a general inquiry about the company?
Legal & CSR Section, General Affairs Department
Call us at +81 (277) 52-0187 (Direct call) or Contact form