R & D System

R & D System

Mitsuba constantly develops products that are trusted by our customers in terms of quality and safety.

It is also Mitsuba’s belief that, in order to respond to the ever-changing market, we must promote expeditious and flexible R&D to deal with the technical challenges related to the growing international concerns about the environment and safety, as well as with the demands for higher functionality and enhanced convenience and comfort.

On this account, Mitsuba situates development facilities in Kiryu, Gunma Prefecture, Atsugi, Kanagawa Prefecture, and Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture., which function for advanced development in the Group.

Mitsuba has laid out development frameworks in other areas overseas, including US, Italy, France, Germany, Thailand, Philippines, India, Vietnam, and China. The close collaboration between the development bases overseas and in Japan enables the globalization of research and development and fosters the development of highly competitive products.

Meanwhile we will continue to provide attractive, unique and competitive products which meet the future needs of customers by predicting values to be sustained through market research and marketing.

Furthermore, we wish to be a company which always makes a proposal and goes beyond what customers expect by acquiring knowledge and technology to detect changes in the world and immediately respond to them.

upper : North American R&D, Italian R&D, German R&D, lower:Philippines R&D, Vietnamese R&D, Thai R&D